De-Phazz The Mambo Craze
다운템포 재즈, 모던 턴테이블라이즘, 라틴 그루브, 라운지 디패즈? 드파즈? 노래 한 곡에 온 남미를 다 여행한 기분이다 댄스위드미 졸지~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why, Lucy, your eyes are filled with tears?My heart is strained with bloodnessOh look, the orchestra is getting ready,dance with me, George! Check the scene outside of Medellin.Make a fuss in CaracasMixed guys and dark men at the barsMambo's slow GuantanamoWas so glad escape in TrinidadOutside down in Kingston to..